The Geography lab of Army Public School Kanpur is well equipped with a series of maps, the wall maps, variety of Globes, sheets, charts, thermometers, magnetic compass, Mini Planetarium, Contour charts & CDs related to different topics are also kept in the lab.The students to study the natural occupancy of various facts and information about physical changes with the help of Global positioning system and Geographic information system available on Net. Geography Lab specializes in the development of qualitative, quantitative research and geographical skills of the students.
Field surveys are enhancing our understanding about patterns of spatial distributions. The earth as a home of humankind and are carried out through observation, sketching, measurement, interviews etc. Under the field survey students have conducted “survey on poverty” at the slum area near Chandari the “land use survey” in many villages & towns of Kanpur dehat etc.
Geography lab plays a pivotal role in enriching geographical base of a student- a necessary part of learning that exposes students to full spectrum of disciplinary subfields- physical, human and nature-society geography as well as geographical techniques. We teach our students to practice freedom within the means by which they can deal creatively and critically with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of the world.